What Makes You Click?


Daniel Mills Season 2 Episode 10

In this final episode we look back with Becky and Craig on their personal pet behaviour Odyssey and how far they have come. They share the insights they have gained and how this has helped to built their relationship. They discuss the many positives of the journey but also the challenges they met on the way. Every client is an individual and every case is a unique  learning opportunity for us as clinicians, so we share what we learned on the way too. However we leave the last word to Becky and we hope you find her words inspirational. 
Thank you for listening. We hope this was useful to youo. 
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Footnote for those seeking professional support: 
If you are in the UK and would like help with your pet’s behaviour, we encourage  you to seek professional advice. A list of Certificated clinical animal behaviourists, including the presenters of this show can be found at www.ccab.uk/. 
You can also find further details of the Lincoln Animal Behaviour Clinic at animalbehaviourclinic.lincoln.ac.uk/.  
In Europe, if you want to find a veterinary behaviourist you can find a list of Diplomates (individuals who have the highest level of training available in the field) at https://www.ecawbm.org/diplomates-list. 
In North America, you can find a directory of certified applied animal behaviorists at https://www.animalbehaviorsociety.org/web/committees-applied-behavior-directory.php and board certified veterinary behaviorists at: https://www.dacvb.org/search/custom.asp?id=4709.

#petbehaviourodysseys, #whatmakesyouclick #PBO