What Makes You Click?

Separation Related Issues

Daniel Mills Season 2 Episode 6

Separation related problems are commonly misunderstood, and the term separation anxiety is an unhelpful misnomer. Indeed our scientific understanding of separation related problems is rapidly being revised in light of new research. It is now clear there are four common forms of the condition, which represent different responses to the frustration that arises when a pet is left at home. These are typically described as 

a Exit frustration related

b Reactive excited

c Reactive inhibited

d. Boredom related, inhibited-conflicted 

If you think your dog might have one of these problems, you can find out more by using the App we developed with ZigZag and Tech4Animals, just visit  https://separation.zigzag.dog/

In this episode we discuss the nature of separation related problems as they applied to Drax and the implications of a more scientific assessment. We also explore the role of attachment. These dogs are not hyper-attached (even if they follow their owner around the whole time), rather what is seen as hyper-attachment is often a sign of insecure attachment. The owner’s behaviour is important in this regard, but it is not the only thing driving the problem. It is not the owner’s fault. Effective intervention involves individualised treatment, so if you want to learn more listen to the episode, and please don’t forget to share this with others. We'd really appreciate it if you could give us a rating if you have enjoyed the show. 

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